T h e  I s l a n d  o f  M a n s t a r i a
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Parallell to this happening,
in the Same Another Universe ...


"The Galaxy of Aquarius"



"One-, two-, three-celled cozy creatures floating about
mindlessly and peacefully in a sunlit ocean,
one or maybe two billion years ago"





"The Flags Were Flying and The Trossle Was A Quarter To Seven"

"A Dragon Rose" (2008)


"Mixed Emotions"




"Can you see me?" (2008)                                    

"Layers of What Once Was"
(2006 - 2008")




"Three Converting"

"Emotions Mixed Together
And then a groovie Sun came forth!"

                "Wonder Light"

"Love Bird
(♥♥från Maria ♥ till ♥far-mor♥)

Yes, Here Comes T, Descending From Heaven Above!

"Praise The Lord! It's Raining Trossels From Heaven!" (2009)


"Happy Colors (against/together with a) Black Venue" (2008)


"Night Sky Day Mirror"


"Light of Life (our story)"



"Friends Forever" (2009)

"Trossle-Fruits Are Delicious!"




        "I know, we all are"

"It's bloody Hell being Satan in Trossle Paradise..."


"Happy Heart Galaxy" (2009)




"Such Was the Love of Trosslan"

"The Day The Earth Stood Bride (Bridal Earth)" (2009)

  takemehome takemeback takemeup      let's move on!